Drs. Natalia Pelaz and Mitch McCoy recently attended and presented papers at the 71st Annual Conference of the South Central Modern Language Association (SCMLA) on Oct. 18-23 in Austin, Texas.
Dr. Pelaz delivered her paper, “De retornos y exilios: la figura del indiano en la literatura de los exiliados españoles en Cuba,” and was also elected by the Spanish 20th and 21st Century Peninsular Literature section as the session Chairperson for the SCMLA Conference in November 2015 at the Marriott Vanderbilt in Nashville.
Dr. Natalia Pelaz is an Assistant Professor of Spanish and specializes in Spanish Language for exiles and displaced peoples. You can find out more about Dr. Pelaz here.
Dr. Mitch McCoy presented a paper entitled, “The Dialogical Nature of Quevedo’s Heráclito cristiano: Negotiating Metaphysical Belief.” Having served this year as secretary for the section of Spanish Peninsular Literature Before 1700, Dr. McCoy will assume the role of Chairperson for the section in November 2015 when the SCMLA will hold its conference at the Marriott Vanderbilt.
Dr. Mitch McCoy is an Assistant Professor of Spanish and specializes in Spanish Language for Professions, Early Modern Spanish Literature and Culture, Intersections of Literature and Religion. You can find out more about Dr. McCoy here and more about Belmont University’s Department of Foreign Languages here.