Three teams of Belmont students, nine students in all, participated in the International Collegiate Programming Contest on November 6, traveling to Tennessee Tech to compete simultaneously with 154 other teams at the eight sites in the Mid-Central Region. That matches the largest turnout ever by Belmont students and was the culmination of 10 weeks of practice outside of class for the contestants. Dr. Bill Hooper, Computer Science, is the team’s faculty advisor.
During the contest, students were given five hours to solve ten programming challenges. Tucker Dowell, Kailee Gerzema and Emily Cottingham’s team solved two problems, placing 83rd in the contest. James Dickenson, Heather Flanigin and Oluwatito Ebiwonjumi took slightly longer to complete one problem and placed 99th. Chandler Capps, Katie Kruzan and Aaron Hintz, like 50 other teams, took home an Honorable Mention.
The ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC) provides college students with opportunities to interact with students from other universities and to sharpen and demonstrate their problem-solving, programming and teamwork skills. The contest provides a platform for ACM, industry and academia to encourage and focus public attention on the next generation of computing professionals as they pursue excellence.