Eight Belmont faculty traveled to Miami University in Oxford, Ohio for the 32nd Lilly International Conference on College Teaching Nov. 15 through 18 .
Professor of Psychological Science Pete Giordano presented “Relational Virtuosity in the College Classroom: What Teachers Can Learn From Classical Confucianism.” He also presented with colleagues Professor of Computer Science Joyce Crowell , Professor of Religion Steve Simpler and Professor of Art David Ribar “Valuing the Hidden Curriculum: Stimulating Teaching Vitality in Mid- and Late-Career Faculty.” Assistant Professor of English Sue Trout and Professor Emeritus of Philosophy Mike Awalt contributed to the presentation but could not attend the conference.
Professor of English Annette Sisson, Assistant Professor of Honors Kristine LaLonde and Professor of Religion Steve Simpler presented “Learning By Doing: Assessing the Relationship Between Liberal Learning and Experiential Education.” Colleagues Jason Lovvorn and Linda Holt of the Department of English attended the conference as well.
Lilly Conferences are retreats that combine workshops, discussion sessions, and major addresses, with opportunities for informal discussion about excellence in college and university teaching and learning. Internationally-known scholars join new and experienced faculty members and administrators from all over the world to discuss topics such as gender differences in learning, incorporating technology into teaching, encouraging critical thinking, using teaching and student portfolios, implementing group learning and evaluating teaching. Click here for more information about the conference.