The Belmont University Equestrian Club participated in the Maryville College Horse Show on Oct. 26-27 in Knoxville, Tenn. Competing in the South Region IHSA Zone 5, Region 1, not only did every member place, the team also brought home two first place ribbons.
- Julie Anderson placed second in Novice Equitation Over Fences
- Morgan Wilters placed first in Advanced Walk Trot Canter on Sunday and third on Saturday
- Maria Martino placed first in Beginner Walk Trot Canter on Sunday and second on Saturday
- Allison Harpole placed third in Beginner Walk Trot Canter on Sunday
“It’s nice that all of the other universities in the area are starting to recognize Belmont as having a good equestrian program,” said founding member Julie Anderson, “We’ve been trying to be very active with other university coaches and students to get the word out.”
The year-old team has already grown to have 15 members and works in collaboration with the Vanderbilt Equestrian Team, having recently hosted a team-building dinner of almost 40 people.
The next show for the Belmont team will be in February at Middle Tennessee State University.