The Belmont Equestrian Club won three first place ribbons at the Intercollegiate Horse Show, the first competition of the year, which was hosted by Sewanee: The University of the South on Sept. 27-28.
Members Caitlyn Marsh, Courtney O’Connor, Mary Ritchea and Meg Anderson competed in the hunter/jumper discipline of equestrian sports against schools such as Vanderbilt University, the University of Tennessee, the University of the South and Murray State University. The riders brought back a total of eight ribbons.
“During my first show with the Belmont Equestrian Club, I learned that we were not only a club, but a team that supports one another in every way. I am a freshman who wanted to join the Belmont Equestrian Club to find a fun and diverse group of people that all shared a common love for horses, but I found so much more thanks to this supportive group,” Meg Anderson said about the Belmont Equestrian Club.
The Belmont Equestrian Club is open to all Belmont University students who express a passion for horses. Club members compete at two competitions each semester as well as attend monthly meetings, weekly lessons, and club events. For further information contact