John Armbruster, Belmont University accounting student and member of the Belmont Men’s Soccer Team, has been named the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) Scholar for the 2021-2022 academic year. The PCAOB is a nonprofit corporation that oversees auditors of issuers and broker-dealers. The nonprofit has been awarding academic scholarships to undergraduate and graduate students since 2011.
The goal of the scholar program is to benefit outstanding students who are likely to become auditors and to make a difference to eligible students who might otherwise pursue a different career path. Armbruster has already secured a full-time position with Deloitte after graduation.
PCAOB Acting Chairperson Duane M. DesParte congratulated the recipients saying, “The PCAOB is pleased to help support these dedicated individuals on their paths to becoming leaders in accounting and auditing.”
Read more about the scholarship and its recipients here.