The General Assembly of the state of Tennessee presented a resolution on March 8 honoring Belmont alumna Dr. Fannie D. Hewlett. This resolution is determined by the members of the General Assembly to recognize certain Tennesseans who contribute and earn the reverence and admiration of their peers throughout the state. Fannie D. Hewlett, Ed. D, was recognized by this resolution as an “individual who has committed her time and energies to providing the finest educational experiences for Tennessee’s students.”
Dr. Hewlett is the provost and vice president for academic affairs for Chattanooga State Technical Community College, and her many responsibilities impact the overall integrity, direction and curriculum of the institution. These responsibilities range from managing the academic affairs unit, shaping the academic strategy through collegial governance and strategic planning, serving as the chief academic officer and a member of the President’s Cabinet and Executive Staff, leading curriculum development and quality initiatives, and assuming full administrative responsibility for all academic areas.
Dr. Hewlett earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology and English from Belmont College in 1970, becoming the first African-American woman to graduate from the school. She then earned her Master of Arts degree in Clinical and School Psychology from Fisk University in 1975 and a Doctorate in Education in Educational Administration and Supervision from the University of Tennessee at Knoxville in 1990. Dr. Hewlett then completed post-doctoral studies in Community College Leadership at the University of Texas at Austin in 1997.
In addition, her dedication to leadership is showcased in her service as the chair of the Tennessee Board of Regents (TBR) Financial Strategies Subcommittee and the chair of the SACS Reaffirmation Peer Committee. Dr. Hewlett volunteers an extent of her time and energy as a member of a number of civic and educational organizations, including the Kappa Delta Pi Honor Society; Psi Beta, the national honor society for psychology in community and junior colleges; the Belmont Alumni Association, Chattanooga Chapter; the Charisma Service Club, which she serves as president; the Urban League board of directors; the TBR Developmental Redesign Task Force; and the Regents Online Degree Program Oversight Committee. Throughout her career, Dr. Hewlett has also received numerous teaching and leadership awards.