Six Belmont students recently presented their research at the Alpha Chi Honor Society National Convention in Indianapolis. Two faculty advisors, Dr. Jonathan Thorndike (Honors) and Dr. Sarah Ann Stewart (Math/Computer Science), also attended the convention. The annual Alpha Chi convention is organized around student presentations by junior and seniors from their respective chapters. Membership in Alpha Chi is the highest academic honor awarded by Belmont University.
In the Business session, Janelle Hawkes discussed her essay “The Distribution of Music and the Adaptation of Digital Downloading to the Industry’s Business Structure” and was awarded the “Gayle Webb White Prize in Business Management” for this presentation. Also during the Business session, Lauren Cooper discussed her essay “Accounting in the Music Industry.” In the Computer Science and Engineering conference session, Henry “Hank” Carter presented his research on “Developing a Model Certificate Authority for Collegiate Institutions,” and Joel Boyter discussed his essay “Gramophone to MP3: The Rise and Fall of Audio Recording Quality.” In the Mathematics Session, Amy Valentine presented her research on “The Transcendence of Pi.” In the Ecology and Biology section, Elizabeth Schriner discussed her research about “Size Structure and Intraspecific Interference in Streamside Salamander Larvae.”
The faculty members accompanying the students were also active in the convention. Stewart, who serves as the Belmont chapter’s advisor, moderated the panel on Political Science and Economics. Thorndike, who is the Alpha Chi Region III Secretary-Treasurer, moderated the panel on Literature, Language and Philosophy and also presented the Distinguished Service Awards.