Dr. Jim Al-Shamma, assistant professor of theatre, has published an article in the spring 2013 edition of the peer-reviewed Journal of Dramatic Theory and Criticism. It is included in the special section, “Witnessing History, Performing Trauma” and addresses a play by contemporary Iraqi playwright Jawad Al Assadi ; the article is titled “Staging Baghdadi Bath on the Western Stage: Toward a Theatre of Trauma.”
Al-Shamma facilitated and participated in a panel on Arabic drama on Aug. 3 at the annual conference of the Association for Theatre in Higher Education. Panelists included Jordanian director Mohammad BaniHani, who spoke on censorship in his country. Al-Shamma’s paper explored the social function of the bathhouse in Arabic drama and was titled, “’You are my blissfulness and my hell’: The Bathhouse in Two Arabic Plays.”
The video of the production of A Midsummer Night’s Dream directed by Al-Shamma at Texas A&M University-Commerce in February 2013 has been posted to MIT’s Global Shakespeares website, which is an educational archive of productions of Shakespeare from around the world.