Dr. Glenn Acree, professor of mathematics, was invited to join the new TN Department of Education’s STEM Leadership Council. Acree delivered the opening address “Conversations for STEM Education and Workforce Development” for the Tennessee Science Standards Steering Committee at Tennessee Tech in Cookeville earlier in the year and was invited by Assistant Education Commissioner Danielle Mezera to serve on the newly formed STEM Leadership Council.
As Tennessee continues to advance towards a greater integration of rigorous K-12 STEM learning pathways, leading to post-secondary achievement and the development of dynamic STEM-related occupation pipelines, it is critically important that the state’s top thought leaders are active in this process. By engaging various stakeholders from across the state, Tennessee will be able – as a state – to ensure strong, robust alignment and visioning between education and industry.
To achieve this, the Department of Education has convened a leadership council that will provide critical advisement on (a) the development of learning pathways from K-12, to post-secondary, to career; (b) approaches to growing student interest in, and exposure to, K-12 STEM-related lessons, courses and programs of study; (c) approaches to supporting innovative teacher professional development, leading to more robust learning environments in the classrooms; and (d) the promotion of meaningful engagement with industries in the learning experiences of students at the K-12 and post-secondary levels.
The members of this new leadership council have committed to serve for two years, participating in robust dialogue and meaningful exercises intended to identify, develop and promote student exposure and access to STEM-related learning and aligned occupations across Tennessee. They join our state’s efforts to provide leadership and direction in the educational and occupational fields of science, technology, engineering and math.