Professors Lauren Lunsford, Rachael Flynn-Hopper, Rhonda McKay, Barbara Hessel and Ragan McLeod from the Department of Education attended the Tennessee Reading Association conference in Murfreesboro November 7-9. Lunsford and Flynn-Hopper presented on “Improving Literacy in the Secondary Classroom.” Flynn-Hopper and McKay presented on “Celebrate Literacy: P.A.R.T.Y. Planning 101 (Parents, Activities, Resources, and Training for Young children). ” Flynn-Hopper and Jennifer Bates, a recent Reading Specialist graduate, presented on “Uniting Families, Schools, and Communities in Literacy Learning.” And Hessel and McLeod presented on “Supporting Reading Independences Through Strategy Instruction.”
The secondary interns from the Department of Education also presented during the poster session and several other interns from the program attended, along with several reading specialists, mentors, student teachers and course-based students.