Belmont Computer Science and Web Programming and Development students are participating in a nine-week Tuesday evening discussion on topics concerning software engineering and web development. The sessions, which began Jan. 21, are led by Alex Ezell, director of technology, at Emma, a company that supports the email marketing efforts of roughly 40,000 businesses, nonprofits and agencies. Two Belmont students are interning at Emma this semester.
The sessions are geared towards students taking Programming II or above and students with coursework or experience in web development. Alumni are encouraged to join us as well. Topics include:
- Virtualization/AWS/Cloudant/Heroku/THECLOUD – other virtual hosting issues
- Practical JavaScript – jQuery, Node, Backbone, Angular, Ember, require
- Django and Flask – using python web frameworks
- Database Concerns
- Data Visualizations
- Source code management and toolset – Github, git, working together
- Scrum and Agile
- Web application structure (12-factor app)
- Soft skills in technology – conflict, criticism, and continuous improvement
Students in the Computer Science and Web Programming and Development are benefiting more and more from Belmont’s ties and collaborations with local technology related businesses and organizations leading to programs such as this, as well as increasing internship and career opportunities.