“Minnie Pearl: All the News from Grinder’s Switch,” a musical written by Professor of Music Business Dr. Don Cusic, will debut at the Chaffin’s Barn Dinner Theatre on September 7, 8 and 9. The website describes the show as “…a musical extravaganza that is sure to leave a smile on your face and a song in your heart. Take a toe-tapping trip down memory lane with Sarah Cannon as she recounts how Cousin Minnie came to be. For country music fans both old and young, this is a heartfelt tribute to Sarah Cannon and Minnie Pearl featuring all new music and a script by Don Cusic the biographer of country music luminaries like Roger Miller and Eddy Arnold.”
Cusic has also written a musical timeline of Nashville, titled “Nashville Sound,” that will be released October 1, and he will be speaking at the Southern Festival of Books, at the Tennessee Historical Society, the Fiftyforward group in Bellevue and during a Convocation at Belmont in October.