Belmont University was again selected for the Colleges of Distinction, a website and college guide profiling more than 220 of America’s best bets in higher education. Belmont has been included on the list since 2007. Based on the opinions of guidance counselors, educators and admissions professionals, Colleges of Distinction honors colleges that excel in four areas of undergraduate education: student engagement in the educational process, great teaching, vibrant learning communities and successful outcomes.
Aside from the academic experience offered at the institutions selected, Colleges of Distinction are also chosen based on their first year program and experimental components of the curriculum. The organization believes institutions should be judged on what they are doing now and the development of their strategic plan, instead of their prestige historically.
Belmont will be profiled on the Colleges of Distinction Web site and in the official Colleges of Distinction guidebook. The selected Colleges of Distinction schools are found all across the United States.