Four Belmont students and Assistant Professor Dr. Justin Stace recently attended SERMACS, the Southeastern Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society. All four students who attended presented at the conference. These students included:
- Sarah Maxwell, an honors, biochemistry & molecular biology major, presented a research poster titled “A Kinetic Study of Ligand Exchange by a Copper(II) Schiff-base Complex.”
- Priyanka Kumar, honors and biology major, presented a research poster titled “Studying the Physical Properties of Copper Complexes with Various Counter Anions.”
- Sarah Cannavino, a chemistry major, presented a research poster titled “Symmetry breaking in nanorod synthesis using metal salts.”
- Libby Ligon, chemistry major, presented a talk titled “Determining the activation energy of the rate-limiting step of the Fenton reaction.” This talk discussed the research done during the past two summers working under Dr. Spence as part of Belmont’s Summer Undergraduate Research Symposium.
Stace said, “I think I can speak for all of us when I say that the conference was excellent. In addition to hearing about some exciting work done around the southeastern region of the country, our students also had the opportunity to present their findings to a challenging audience and receive invaluable feedback and some ideas about future work.”