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HomeAchieversMunsell and Students Host Local High School Audio Group

Munsell and Students Host Local High School Audio Group

On Friday, November 4, Belmont Audio Engineering Technology (AET) Lecturer Scott Munsell hosted Pearl-Cohn High School audio production students during showcase preparations. Upon arrival, students were greeted by Munsell and Coordinator of Sound Reinforcement and Live Events Lucas Boto.

Curb College of Entertainment and Music Business Associate Dean Dr. Slay-Carr greeted the students and welcomed them to Belmont before Munsell gave a brief lecture on live sound and sound science. From there, AET students Parker Anderson and Munsell took the group on a station by station tour of audio production facets for the showcase. After a question and answer session, Munsell and his team played tracks that the students had been working on in their audio class over the sound system.

“The looks on their faces to hear their work played on such a massive system were priceless,” Munsell said. “Reaching out to these young men and women from our community is something I have a passion for, and I’m so glad we were able to facilitate such a wonderful opportunity for them.”

Munsell assisted Pearl-Cohn Teacher Ric Johnson with developing curriculum for this audio class that would mirror Belmont’s curriculum. The duo hope to continue their partnership and continue arranging visits for the students to come to Belmont.


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