Watkins Students Place in Regional American Advertising Awards Competition

ADDY Awards

This year, Belmont students participated in the Advertising Awards Competition that allows students in 200 markets from coast to coast to compete. Hosted by the American Advertising Federation Nashville (AAFN), there were more than 40,000 local entries this year with seven Belmont students placing in Gold and Silver categories. 

Throughout the Spring and Fall of 2020, students completed projects in Design Communications courses which were entered into this year’s competition in February 2021. The projects consisted of graphic design projects, illustration courses or interactive design. All recipients that receive a Student ADDY Award at the district level are eligible to enter their pieces into the National Awards that will take place this summer. 

Gold winners, and students who moved on directly to the national entry, included Natalie Briscoe’s “St. George and the Dragon,” Abraham Mast’s, “The Most Dangerous Game” and Destiny Carter’s “Feminism Booklet.” The Silver ADDY winners included Kennila Gruen’s “A Human Poster,” Huy Nguyen’s “Portrait of Adia Victoria,” Destiny Carter’s “End Sexual Violence Series Poster” and Abraham Mast’s “Character Development 2.”

Previous to the regional level, the students competed in the local level competition against approximately 100 entrees. Belmont walked away with 18 silver awards, 8 gold awards, 2 judges awards and the “Best in Show” award given to Abraham Mast. 

The American Advertising Awards Show for award recipients will take place on Thursday, May 13 where students will be recognized and given trophies for their accomplishments.