Book by William M. Akers Ranked No. 1 Best Screenwriting Book of 2020

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Associate Professor and Chair of Belmont’s Cinema, Television and Media Department William M. Akers is well known as an expert in screenwriting. A lifetime member of the Writers’ Guild of America, he has had three feature films produced from his scripts. His book, “Your Screenplay Sucks! 100 Ways to Make it Great,” was just chosen as the no. 1 best screenwriting book of 2020 by Script Reader Pro.

With Akers’ book on the list of “underrated and overlooked books every screenwriter should own” are the legendary “Save the Cat,” “The Writer’s Journey” and “On Writing” by Stephen King, all books that “explain things in a clear, practical manner, are maybe underrated and will transform your understanding of any given area of screenwriting.”

The article says of Akers’ book, “The subtitle to the book is “100 Ways To Make It Great” and it does just that. The chapters on editing sentences are particularly helpful. Especially if you’re one of the many writers who suffer from overwritingingus. This book is great for helping writers really get to grips with the essentials of the craft.”

Akers has been a script consultant for twenty years and gives writing workshops around the world.