Campus Security Recognizes Team Members for Dedication, Service

Greg and Susan Jones share reflections on Christmas and Hope with the Campus Security Team
Greg and Susan Jones share reflections on Christmas and Hope with the Campus Security Team

In addition to delicious food, games, caroling and Gingerbread House building competitions at the annual Campus Security Service Recognition and Christmas Celebration on December 3, the team set time aside to present departmental awards. The celebration also included some reflections on Christmas and hope from Belmont President Dr. Greg Jones and Rev. Susan Pendleton Jones.

“While it’s been a challenging year at times with COVID continuing, our officers continued to find ways to go above and beyond in seeking to help others,” said Pat Cunningham, chief of Campus Security.

Excellence in Service Awards, in recognition of anticipating customer needs, taking ownership of issues and maintaining the customer perspective at the forefront of all interactions, were presented to:

  • Officer Lauren Sheppard
  • Officer Derek Akin
  • Officer Shika Benford
  • Officer Nik Mladzhov
  • Sergeant Jakob Emanuelson

This year’s Annual Excellence in Service Award was presented to Officer Ron Baggett.

security officers decorate gingerbread house

While multiple awards may be presented for Excellence in Service, the annual award is presented to the staff member who best exemplified the commitment to providing exceptional service over the previous year. Previous recipients included Officer Tim Kelton, Officer Jim Ruffin, Officer Malcolm McDole, Captain Tiffany Cooper and Officer Benjanique Amos.

The Meritorious Service Awards are presented in recognition of dedicated, unselfish and faithful service to Campus Security and the University Community, presented to staff who continuously displays professionalism and excellence in performing his or her duties, who frequently assists fellow staff and other members of the University community, and whose actions and attitude bring credit to Security and to the University Community. This year’s awards were presented to:

  • Officer Andy Pappas
  • Officer Justin Click
  • Officer Maria Pena
  • Captain Mike Moultry
Captain Mike Moultry receives a Meritorious Service Award. (Masks were removed briefly for the photo.)
Captain Mike Moultry receives a Meritorious Service Award. (Masks were removed briefly for the photo.)

Certificates of Commendation or Appreciation may be presented for exceptional performance in a significant event or specific situation, or for noteworthy contributions or service not included under another award category. This year, recipients included:

  • Student Group Assisting Campus Security with promoting student engagement initiatives: Madalyn Lenaz, Brooke Elliott, Somer Henry and Catherin VanStratum,
  • Campus Partners: Dean of Students Dr. Tamika Williams and University Photographer Sam Simpkins
  • Student worker Hugo Conde
  • Officer Joshua Collins
  • Officer Danny Chaudoin
  • Officer Sezz Tooley
  • Officer Tierra Pigg
  • Officer Tom Marquart
  • Sgt Corey Tomson