Wigal Profiled by Nashville Women in Film and Television Magazine

Sara Wigal head shot
Sara Wigal

Sara Wigal, director of Publishing and assistant professor in Belmont’s Cinema, Television & Media Department, was featured in a December 2020 magazine profile in the Nashville Women in Film and Television’s monthly publication, written by publishing and Spanish student Sophie Jefferson.

The piece focuses on Wigal’s involvement with the Next Chapter Society, a group of Nashville leaders who serve as representatives of the Nashville Public Library Foundation. A few years ago, the group decided to ramp up its fundraising mission in order to support the mission of the library and support the community and its needs. The organizations support child and adult literacy and provide programs and initiatives for both.

Jefferson writes, “Wigal’s love of literacy, mentorship and the written word has guided her throughout her career and has led her to give back to the community through volunteering. She gives back while capitalizing on her strengths and talents, and her service will benefit the community for years to come.”

Read the article here.