Voight Serves as Invited Faculty Member at Annual Scandinavian Congress


Dr, Mike Voight, professor in Belmont’s School of Physical Therapy, was recently an invited faculty member at the Annual Scandinavian Congress of Medicine & Science in Sports. The aim of this Congress is to create contact between physiotherapists working in sports and physical activity, provide training, share knowledge and create working relationships with other professionals with the same interest.

Held in Copenhagen from January 30 to February 2, Congress was hosted by the Danish Society of Sports Physical Therapy and Danish Association of Sports Medicine. More than 800 specialists from sports medicine connected to consider conclusions and assumptions to advance education for medical, sports, treatment, rheumatology, orthopaedics, prevention, anti-doping and general sport medicine and sports injury subjects.

Prior to the Congress, Voight served as a peer-reviewer of abstracts submitted for presentation. Over 200 abstracts were reviewed and ultimately chosen for inclusion. Throughout the event, Voight served as one of the jury to select the best poster presentation and oral presentation given.