Voight Presents Course at Annual Lectureship in Sports Medicine at Tulane

Dr. Mike Voight at Tulane

On April 24, Dr. Mike Voight from Belmont’s School of Physical Therapy gave the 5th Annual James R. Andrews Endowed Lectureship in Sports Medicine at Tulane University Institute of Sports Medicine in New Orleans, Louisiana.

Along with Dr. Thomas Byrd, Voight presented a course on The Hip: A Comprehensive Course on Evaluation, Surgery and Rehabilitation of the Athletes Hip. Given in a hybrid in-person/online event, Chief of Orthopedics at Tulane Medical School Dr. Felix Savoie and the incoming President of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgery welcomed approximately 500 clinicians to learn more about the implementation of cutting-edge conservative and surgical techniques associated with the athlete’s hip. Dr. Voight presented on the modern philosophies on rehabilitation of the hip from both a conservative and post-operative perspective.