‘Wellness Around the World’ Event Kicks off Inauguration Celebration
The first event in the lineup of Dr. Greg Jones’ official Inauguration Celebration festivities was “Wellness Around the World” on November 3, an event focused on each of Belmont’s nine Be Well BU dimensions of wellness.
Developed by 2nd Year Masters of Sports Administration students and Be Well BU program graduate assistants Kailei Foltmer and Sara Klang, the event set the tone for the festivities and placed an emphasis on care of the whole person, reminding the Belmont community that they are valued and supported in all areas of wellness. These include their spiritual, intellectual, environmental, interpersonal, cultural, physical, occupational, financial and emotional areas of wellness.
The event included an hour-long yoga session and nine tables for attendees to visit that represented each dimension. Members of the program’s “Well Board” devised an activity to showcase that area of wellness at each table. At the Interpersonal table, students traded “Dad jokes” to make each other laugh. At the Emotional table, students painted rocks. And at the Spiritual table, students posted prayer requests.

“What we hoped the students and staff took from the event is that a focus on holistic wellness is important for success,” explained Dr. Adam Fleegor, assistant professor in Sport Administration. “We should take time each day to consider these areas of wellness and how they impact each other and ourselves.”
View more photos from the event here.