Faculty Present at Lilly Conference on College Teaching

Belmont Faculty at Lilly Conference
Belmont faculty at Lilly Conference on College Teaching at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio

Belmont was well-represented at the Lilly Conference on College Teaching held at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio on November 21-23. The Lilly Conference brings together scholar teachers from across academic disciplines. A total of nine Belmont faculty participants were included, from media studies, communication, English, psychological science, social work, public relations and The Teaching Center.

Belmont faculty members contributed four presentations for the “Evidence-Based Learning and Teaching” conference theme. Each of the Belmont presentations was the result on ongoing scholarship and longstanding collaborations with campus colleagues.

Nathan Webb, chair of the Communication Department, Julie Hunt, associate professor of social work, and Andrea Stover, professor of English, shared their experiences as an active scholarly group in a poster titled “The Quest to Develop Authentic Learning Objectives Through an Interdisciplinary Faculty Group.”

Hyangsook Lee, assistant professor of journalism in the Department of Media Studies, discussed her scholarship in a poster titled “Augmented Learning: Understanding Augmented Reality’s Progress and Potential in Higher Education and Professional Training.”

In their presentation entitled “Radical Redesign: What To Do When Teaching Just Isn’t Working,” Jason Lovvorn, associate professor of English, Andrea Stover, professor of English, and Sue Trout, assistant professor of English, offered examples of transforming courses during the middle of a semester.

Pete Giordano, professor of psychology, and Mike Pinter, director of The Teaching Center and professor of mathematics, delivered an invited presentation titled “The Role of (Organized) Unpredictability in Teaching and Learning,” in which they explored opportunities for faculty to fruitfully and effectively use elements of unpredictability in their courses.

Christie Kleinmann, teaching center and professor of public relations, also participated in conference sessions and contributed to the Belmont group’s conversations about teaching and learning that occurred throughout the conference.

Additional information about each presentation is available on the conference website: http://celt.miamioh.edu/lillycon/presenters.php.