Dr. Gary Austin Presents at National Physical Therapy Conference

Dr. Gary Austin

With collaborators for the University of Lynchburg in Lynchburg, Virginia, Dr. Gary Austin, professor and chair for the School of Physical Therapy, presented the following posters related to Pain Neuroscience Education at the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) Combined Sections Meeting (CSM), which was held in Denver, Colorado Feb. 12 – 15. This is a national level conference and the APTA’s largest annual conference. 

  • Pain Neuroscience Education Changes PA Student Intervention Patterns, Including Physical Therapy Referrals: Sue E. Curfman, PT, DHSc; Joyce S. Nicholas, PhD; Gary P. Austin, PT, PhD and Benjamin M. Radack, PT.
  • Differences in Pain Neuroscience Perspectives between Physical Therapy Students and Clinical Instructors: Sue E. Curfman, PT, DHSc; Joyce S. Nicholas, PhD; Gary P. Austin, PT, PhD and Benjamin M. Radack, PT
  • PT and PA Students Differ in Perceptions, Knowledge, Attitudes, and Beliefs about Persistent Pain? Sue E. Curfman, PT, DHSc; Joyce S. Nicholas, PhD; Gary P. Austin, PT, PhD and Benjamin M. Radack, PT

Additionally, Dr. Austin presented the following platform:

  • Pain Neuroscience Knowledge and Pain Perspectives: A Longitudinal Study of DPT Students and Faculty. Sue E. Curfman, PT, DHSc; Joyce S. Nicholas, PhD; Gary P. Austin, PT, PhD and Benjamin M. Radack, PT