Book of Poems by Sisson Selected for Publication by Glass Lyre Press

Annette Sisson

“Small Fish in High Branches,” a full-length book of poems by Dr. Annette Sisson, Belmont English professor, has been selected for publication by Glass Lyre Press, located in Glenview, Illinois. The book will likely be available in 2022.

Glass Lyre is an independent literary press that publishes poetry collections, chapbooks, select short and flash fiction and the occasional anthology, offering fine literature “to rejuvenate the spirit, fuel inspiration and nourish the soul.” The Glass Lyre vision is to connect the world through language and art and publish collections that one returns to time and time again, rather than stashing them away after reading.

According to the company, their hope is “to expand the scope of poetry and short fiction for the general reader through exceptionally well-written books which call forth our deepest emotions and thoughts, delight our senses, challenge our minds and provide clarity, resonance and insight.”