A collaborative effort between Belmont’s admissions, marketing and IT departments, the traditional spring Be Belmont Day for prospective students and families to visit campus, learn more about the University and ask questions was hosted online this year as the world continues social distancing due to the COVID-19 global pandemic.
This in-depth, interactive, virtual Belmont preview experience is still available at www.newbruins.com/bebelmont. On top of the speakers and sessions, there were also two new videos debuted – a full campus tour and a tour of the residence halls. Both were less than 10 minutes each and gave a great overview of the campus, residence hall options, and showed off the beauty of the Belmont campus.

“What an amazing two weeks it was to prepare for Be Belmont Day Live,” said Director of Admissions Brooke Brannin. “We were able to provide a thorough and very personal day for the prospective students and families. We know students who have not been able to visit campus, and these tours provided an incredible view of Belmont.”
Faculty and current students helped create the programming through personalized academic sessions and student panels. There were 35 different academic rooms presenting on their major(s) through Blackboard Collaborate, followed by three Collaborate rooms hosting a student panel by the Bruin Recruiters.

At least 850 people were logged in to view the opening session via YouTube, and more than 750 tuned into an academic session.