Belmont Hosts Annual Metro Council Minority Caucus Reception

event attendees

On Monday, February 24, Belmont University hosted the annual Metro Council Minority Caucus Reception held on campus. Belmont University President Dr. Bob Fisher and Nashville Mayor John Cooper shared a few words to begin. Attendees were eager to hear from many distinguished speakers, including keynote speaker Mayor Chokwe Antar Lumumba from Jackson, Mississippi.

Lumumba spoke on giving more people control of their governance and building self-determined communities. “We recognize that when communities find themselves in the condition which many of them are in today, these communities did not fall because someone was too radical or fought too hard on their behalf. I would argue the opposite – that someone has not fought hard enough,” he explained. “What do we do when we see a world with a lack of integrity? You find it in yourself, and you begin to change the world right from where you’re standing.”

Belmont University serves as the host for this event each year. Joyce Searcy, director of community relations, shared, “Each year, this night tops the previous year. Belmont is honored that so many now look forward to the event and count on coming. Attendees know that Belmont is their University and their home, too.”