Belmont Celebrates August 2019 Commencement

Summer Graduation
Summer Graduation at Belmont University on August 9, 2019.

Belmont University celebrated its summer commencement ceremony for both undergraduate and graduate students on Friday, August 9 at 5 p.m. in the Curb Event Center.

University President Dr. Bob Fisher presided over the event and English Professor Dr. Amy Hodges Hamilton presented the commencement address. Hamilton is the 2018-19 Presidential Faculty Achievement Award recipient, a title awarded for the outstanding contributions she has made to student success. Belmont awarded 116 bachelor’s, 134 master’s and 45 doctoral for a total of 295 degrees.

Graduating students crossed the stage confidently as they looked towards the University’s most recent “First Destination Rate,” a measure that indicates the percentage of graduate who secure employment, enroll in graduate school or enlist in military service within six months of graduation. This year, Belmont’s rate is 94 percent, a rate significantly higher than the national average.