Belmont Alumna Promoted to Social Media Coordinator of Black River Entertainment

Ainsley Barry head shot

Belmont alumna Ainsley Barry was recently promoted to Social Media Coordinator as a part of Black River Entertainment’s goal to reconstruct the marketing department. This push for change was sparked after the entertainment group deemed ‘resilience’ as their word and theme for the year of 2021. Barry graduated from Belmont in 2019 with a degree in Entertainment Industry Studies.

Originally, Barry joined Black River Entertainment as the Copyright and Licensing Coordinator in 2019. With her new promotion to Social Media Coordinator, she reports to the company’s VP of Marketing Tanya Schrage. 

Her responsibilities includes planning and creating ways for the entertainment group to strengthen, grow and engage their online community. Barry is responsible for planning, implementing, managing and analyzing campaigns and content creation for social media platforms. 

The entertainment group is a “family of record labels, a management company, a multi-GRAMMY winning publishing company and state-of-the-art recording studios.” The growing company has worked with various award-winning artists including Blake Ruby, Josh Kerr, Anna Vaus and more.