Author Stacie Nevadomski Berdan Encourages Students to Develop a Global Mindset


On February 4, Belmont hosted a convocation event as part of the Cat Financial Global Speaker Seminar, “Develop a Global Mindset,” featuring award-winning and best-selling author Stacie Nevadomski Berdan.

Berdan shared with students how globalization has changed the dynamics of succeeding in the workplace and what skills are necessary for students to differentiate themselves from others in their current or future jobs. She began with a quiz for students to test their global knowledge and gave out her book to students who answered the questions correctly.

Berdan shared that the best way to develop a global mindset is to adopt cross-cultural competency and to look beyond ourselves and our own communities.

“Cross-cultural competency matters as much in the communities in which we live as in the places where we work,” she said. “It’s about embracing diversity, otherness and change because global is everywhere.”

She concluded by sharing essentials for career success, such as enhancing a global persona by starting to think and act globally, studying or interning abroad, being globally smart by staying informed and finding a mentor.