Belmont Faculty Present at Lilly Conference

Faculty at Conference

Five Belmont faculty and staff presented at the Lilly Conference on College Teaching in Ashville, North Carolina August 5-7. Participants included faculty from Pharmacy, Mathematics, Music Business, Computer Science and the Teaching Center. The 2019 conference theme was Innovative Strategies to Advance Learning.

Dr. Bill Hooper, computer science professor, provided a poster entitled “The Teaching Transaction: New Approaches to an Old Problem” during the interactive poster session.

Dr. Angela Clauson, director of experiential education in the College of Pharmacy, presented a session on “Utilizing TEAMMATES as a Way to Effectively and Efficiently Administer Team Peer Feedback” and also a poster, “Using an Audio Interview to Expose Pharmacy Students to Other Health Professionals,” that was included in the poster session. 

Dr. Mike Pinter, professor in the Teaching Center and College of Mathematics, offered a presentation entitled “How Can That Be?: Motivating Learning Through Counterintuition.” 

Dr. Amy Smith, assistant professor of music business, contributed “Effective Teaching – Adding Flavor with Kahoot!, A Game Based Platform” as a conference presentation. 

Nanci Alsup, Teaching Center office manager, also participated in conference activities and sessions.