2021 Next Level Conference Itinerary Announced

Next Level Conference

Jack C. Massey College of Business at Belmont University will present the third-annual Next Level Conference on November 16. Developed in response to the rising need to explore, discuss and support women in business and leadership roles, this half-day conference, open to all business executives, will feature keynote speaker Carol Rollie Flynn and two 1-hour long workshop sessions, covering a wide range of relevant leadership topics.

Jack C. Massey College of Business is honored to curate and present a conference focusing pointedly on women in the workplace. Belmont’s Director of External Relations & Executive Learning Networks Jill Robinson said the conference’s mission is to educate, advocate and promote women in business, women in leadership and women forging and strengthening their careers.

“In its third year, the conference remains dedicated to bringing this conversation to the broader Middle Tennessee business community,” she said. “As we celebrate executive women in business and encourage diversity in leadership, we invite both women and men to join us for an exciting day of learning and collaboration.”

Keynote speaker Carol Rollie Flynn will present “You Can Do It! Lessons of Empowerment from a Life in the Clandestine Service” drawing on her experience as an undercover CIA officer and will discuss why women get stuck as well as provide new approaches and strategies to attain personal and professional growth.

This year’s conference will formally begin at 12:30 p.m. with an optional, add-on morning wellness workshop beforehand. The schedule is as follows:

10:45 a.m. – Registration for morning workshop participants only


12:30 p.m. – Registration, Refreshments, and Networking

1:00 p.m. – Opening Remarks,  Reading from the Nashville Youth Poet Laureate, and Introduction of Keynote


2:15 p.m. – Break


3:30 p.m. – Break


4:45 p.m. – Break & Closing Remarks


5:45 p.m. – Reception at Gresham Smith

The breakout sessions will be led by many impressive speakers, including several Belmont faculty and staff as well as First Lady of Belmont and Senior Fellow Rev. Susan Pendleton Jones.

Below is a sample of the breakout sessions available:

Morning Wellness Workshop

Choose from three sessions that will get your body flowing and your blood pumping! Renew and refresh with a one-hour mind-body wellness yoga session (great for beginners through advanced yogis), learn self-defense techniques through the ASSERT ESD Program, or take a walk around the University and learn how synthesizing mindful walking and journaling can be a radical strategy that leads to deeper ways of caring for ourselves, our institutions and the world at large.

Ethical Living and Leading: Finding Your True North with Rev. Susan Pendleton Jones

Are you tempted to “love things and use people rather than use things and love people?” Are your relationships transactional rather than transformational? In this seminar, Rev. Jones will discuss how to make ethical decisions, cultivate wisdom and discernment and lead with integrity in the 21st century. 

Crisis, Character and Resilience

Hear from entrepreneur and industry expert Perri duGard Owens regarding her professional experience and advice on how attitude and perspective – through adversity – can reveal, cultivate and empower personal character. Her past and future shape her journey towards building constant resiliency and can help individuals or organizations achieve positive perspective and outcomes to emerge on the other side of a crisis.

Pouring from a Full Cup: Preventing Burn Out, Creating a Self-Care Plan, and Setting Healthy Boundaries

Sustaining our work requires sustaining ourselves. This session will dive into creating healthy boundaries in the workplace and setting examples for workplace culture, practices for removing limiting beliefs and habits that lead to burn out, and developing a personalized self-care plan to revitalize your life, your work, and your energy!

Intersectional Allyship: How Women Can be Everyday Allies of Women

Diversity is critical to the innovation and growth of any business. However, diversity isn’t enough. To leverage the impact of difference in an organization there must be an inclusive culture where everyone can thrive. How are you contributing to an inclusive culture for equity in the workplace? Allyship is a skill that leaders and teams can leverage to advance inclusion and equity goals, build an inclusive culture, and at your organization and within your community. Attendees of this session will learn: why intersectional allyship is important; what allyship is and what it is not; actions for impactful allyship.

These are just a few of the many breakout session options available. To purchase tickets and see a detailed list of breakout sessions and session leaders, please visit the Next Level Conference website.