Three Graduates Inducted into National Physical Therapy Student Honor Society

Belmont graduates are inductees of the inaugural class

Jack Davis Induction
Jack Davis becomes inducted into honor society

Three Belmont physical therapy graduates, Jack Davis, Jessie Mills and Shelby Smith, were inducted into the 2019 inagural class of the National Physical Therapy Student Honor Society.

Jessie Mills is inducted into honor society
Jessie Mills is inducted into honor society

The National Physical Therapy Student Honor Society was established in 2018 by the American Council of Academic Physical Therapy (ACAPT) to recognize and honor exceptional individuals who have demonstrated exceptional academic accomplishments and advocated for the profession of physical therapy. 

Shelby Smith is inducted into honor society
Shelby Smith is inducted into honor society

Specifically, the mission of the Society is to recognize and honor physical therapy students who exemplify outstanding traits in leadership, research and service to society, as characterized by consistent demonstration of strong moral character and ethics. As a member of the Society, individuals are expected to uphold and implement the core values of the physical therapy profession.