Three Belmont Art Students Advance to National ADDY Competition

Mary Puls, Luke Rogers and Abraham Mast
Abraham Mast (far right) is one of the District ADDY Award winners.

Earlier this year, seven Belmont students were recognized with a Student ADDY Award in Nashville through one of the top local competitions for student advertising design in the nation. A couple weeks ago, the District 7 American Advertising Awards competition was judged, three of those students received awards and are now eligible to be entered and judged at the National level.

Abraham Mast won two gold ADDY awards for “My Very Messy Desktop” and “100 Electrical Experiments,” and Margaret Shaul won a gold Addy for “Classic Novel Series.” These projects will automatically be sent to AAF headquarters to be judged at the National level. Summer Bockart received a silver ADDY award for “Frist Gala” and is also eligible to be entered into the National competition.

The American Advertising Awards are the largest creative competition in the world with more than 40,000 local entries competing in 200 markets coast to coast. Winning a Student ADDY Award at the district level is the second step in competing for a National ADDY Award.

The AAF is monitoring the current situation surrounding COVID-19 and will announce a virtual or in-person awards ceremony in the future.

“ADDY awards are nationally recognized in the design industry, and it is an extremely competitive competition. Winning one lets future employers know you have exceptional talent,” explained Art Professor Doug Regen. “I could not be more proud of the talented hard working students that were recognized this year.”