Plummer Presents Online Pediatric Mobility Series for Therapists in South America

Teresa Plummer, PhD, at Belmont University
Teresa Plummer, PhD, at Belmont University

Occupational Therapy Associate Professor Dr. Teresa Plummer, PhD, OTR/L,ATP, CEAS, CAPS is presenting a series of lectures in South America via zoom. She will present a weekly series in May regarding pediatric mobility. Having postponed this lecture series for 2 years, the decision to go virtual will be a bonus to South American occupational and physical therapists, allowing professionals from Brazil, Uruguay, Paraguay, Chili, Argentina and Columbia to attend.

Translated in Portuguese and Spanish, more than 150 therapists participate in this five-week educational series. Topics include “the relationship of vision, posture and mobility,” “the importance of on-time mobility” and “visual deficits and treatment.” This evidence-based education is particularly helpful to therapists in areas hit hard by the pandemic like Brazil as it helps them maintain current clinical practice.