Occupational Therapy Students Volunteer at Preschool ‘Cooking School’

OT students and cooking school friends making
OT students and cooking school friends making "caterpillars" with grapes and tomatoes.

On Saturday, February 29, 30 Belmont occupational therapy students volunteered their time to help facilitate an interactive food experience for dozens of preschool children. The children and their families are part of a Nashville community group for parents of multiples, and the event was created and hosted by Sprocket Therapy.

Belmont student group photo

Occupational therapist and clinic owner Barb Talbert designed a preschool “cooking school” with the idea of introducing children from a young age to various nutritious foods through play-based food-prep experiences.

The children engaged in various food stations to create edible, preschool-sized snacks and drinks. Belmont occupational therapy students led the food stations and helped to ensure each participant was successful.