Murray Introduces ‘Mansfield Park’ at Vanderbilt

Professor Douglas Murray and Joy Haslam Calico
Professor Douglas Murray and Joy Haslam Calico. Photo by Caroline Davis.

English Professor Dr. Douglas Murray was invited by Vanderbilt University to introduce the Tennessee premiere of Jonathan Dove’s “Mansfield Park.” The opera, performed by students and faculty from the Blair School of Music, was held in Ingram Hall on October 19 and 21. 

Murray was joined by Joy Haslam Calico, professor of music and European studies at Vanderbilt, to present to a standing-room-only crowd. Murray provided an overview of “Mansfield Park” and explained how the composer’s work constitutes a valid reading or interpretation of the novel.

He explained that Jane Austen has become one of the best-known and loved novelists. Spin-offs include sequels, films, dolls, stage plays, dresses–and now opera.