McGuire Presents Research at CPNP Annual Meeting

CBD Reserach Poster

J. Michael McGuire, PharmD, BCPP, associate professor of pharmacy at Belmont, recently presented a poster with several faculty from the University of Kansas School of Pharmacy at the annual meeting of the College of Psychiatric and Neurologic Pharmacists (CPNP).

The poster, titled “Consumer Perception, Knowledge and Uses of Cannabidiol,” reported on findings from an anonymous, nationwide online survey administered through Qualtrics that consisted of sections about demographics, safety of CBD use, use of resources for CBD information and perception of CBD. Funding for the study was provided by the Belmont College of Pharmacy Departmental Fund and the University of Kansas General Research Fund.

The team found that a large portion of people are using CBD for psychiatric and neurologic conditions. The investigators noted that a high percentage of respondents reported significant adverse events with CBD products, but further analysis of data needs to be conducted.