Highlighting the 2021 Graduating E.S. Rose Scholars: Emily Vo and Haleema Shamsuddin

Vo and Shamsuddin
Emily Vo, left, and Haleema Shamsuddin, right

Emily Vo

Belmont University political science graduate and E.S. Rose Scholar Emily Vo will pursue her juris doctorate degree this fall.

The Martin Luther King Academic Magnet High School alumna was involved in many things while a student at Belmont, including the Belmont Speech and Debate Team, a two-semester study abroad program in Seoul, South Korea, Pi Sigma Alpha – the Political Science Honor Society, and Belmont’s Asian academic and service clubs: Chinese Cultural Association, Japan Culture Club and the Asian American Association.

Vo said, “I was honored to be trusted with the responsibility to give back to my community in honor of Rev. Rose and as an ambassador of Belmont University. It was a great opportunity to be involved in my community, while upholding the values of Rev. Rose and Belmont: leadership, service and faithfulness.”

Vo said her favorite memories at Belmont come from being a member of Speech and Debate team and attending the debate tournaments. “It was a great experience to be surrounded by intellectual and passionate students and to represent Belmont University on the state, national and international levels,” she said. “I learned and grew so much with the support of the members on the Belmont Speech and Debate team. I will forever look back on those memories fondly.”

Haleema Shamsuddin

Belmont University honors biochemistry and molecular biology graduate and E.S. Rose Scholar Haleema Shamsuddin will pursue further education by attending medical school.

The Hume Fogg Academic High School alumna was involved with many organizations during her time at Belmont, including the executive council of the Student Government Association, executive council president for Belmont Ambassadors, the American Chemical Society, Alpha Epsilon Delta Honors Society and Women in Science. 

“Being able to do community service to honor Rev. Rose has been such an inspiring experience where I have been able to learn more about the E.S. Rose community and make life-long bonds with many individuals,” Shamsuddin said. “These experiences have shaped who I am today and my utmost passion for community activism.”

From insightful classes to being part of amazing organizations, Shamsuddin said her experiences at Belmont were absolutely incredible. Her favorite memory is leading the Belmont Ambassadors group as vice president in co-hosting the Christmas at Belmont event at the Schermerhorn Symphony Center.

Congratulations to both of these outstanding graduates.