Garrett, Science Students Judge Local School Science Fair

judging science fair via Zoom

For the fourth year in a row, Danielle Garrett, associate professor of chemistry education, was invited to judge the Donelson Christian Academy (DCA) science fair. 

Belmont undergraduate students Matt McGowin (biochemistry and molecular biology major), Nya Sabye (biochemistry and molecular biology major, business administration minor), Anna Trinh (biology major, chemistry minor), Luke Cline (biology major, physical science minor), Caroline Haynes (neuroscience major, Spanish minor), Ginnie Berry (neuroscience major, chemistry minor), Yosef Mehio (neuroscience major), Jillian Graham (neuroscience major) and Molly Kelly (nursing major) were invited by Garrett to help judge the 7th and 8th grade projects. 

Science projects, covering topics ranging from the physical sciences, to the biological sciences, to the psychological sciences, were virtually on display via Google Site. “While there were some challenges with the virtual platform, overall, I thought it was a great experience,” Garrett said. “This year, we were able to see students present their projects via video – which we’ve never been able to do before. Seeing and hearing many of the students present their work really brought the projects to life!”

Individual judging took place throughout the week of April 5. After all the judging was complete, Garrett and Belmont undergraduate judges gathered together via Zoom on Saturday, April 10. They split the judging responsibilities, with five people in charge of determining which projects placed for each grade, and they all worked together to pick the award for best in show.

“I love participating as a judge in this annual event, but there is no way I could do it without the help of our wonderful Belmont undergraduate students,” Garrett said. “These students volunteered hours of their time the week before finals – helping to make the first virtual science fair at DCA a success. Our Belmont students not only have a heart for giving back to their community, but they also have a heart for sharing their passion and enthusiasm for science!”