Blash Teaches Final International Health Informatics Management Certificate Program Review Courses at HIMSS 2019 Annual Global Conference

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Dr. Anthony Blash, assistant professor in the College of Pharmacy, recently led the facilitation of the last major Certified Associate in Health Information and Management Systems (CAHIMS) Review Course before major changes in the Certification occur. This course was sponsored by the Health Information Management Systems Society (HIMSS), North America Division and held at their 2019 Global Conference at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando, Florida.

HIMSS North America positively transforms health and health care through the best use of information and technology in the United States and Canada. As a cause-based non-profit, HIMSS North America provides thought leadership, community building, professional development, public policy and events. HIMSS North America represents 70,000 individual members, 630 corporate members and over 450 non-profit organizations, all working to leverage the potential of digital health to improve the health status of populations and the quality, cost-effectiveness, access and value of health care.

Taking place on February 11, the 8-hour master classes reviewed the CAHIMS competency areas using materials from the Review Guide and assessed participants from London, Canada and the US on knowledge areas included in the CAHIMS Certification examination.

Knowledge and competency areas covered by this review course included organizational and technological environment; healthcare information and systems management analysis and design, selection and implementation, support and maintenance, testing and evaluation, privacy and security, administrate leadership and management support.