Belmont’s Biology Department Presents at Association of Southeastern Biologists Virtual Conference

Darlene Panvini head shot

Students and faculty within Belmont University’s Biology Department received recognition and presented at the 2021 Association of Southeastern Biologists virtual conference which took place March 24 – 26.

Biology students Bethany Wood, Taylor Ruscitti and Gerald Archer presented on “DNA Barcoding of Corticolous Lichens to Determine Species Richness and Abundance in Relation to Proximity of Traffic in Nashville.” The project was completed alongside biology faculty Dr. Darlene Panvini and Dr. Chris Barton, winning third-place in the Beta Beta Beta (TriBeta) District II student presentations section.

Other biology students Liliya Tkachuk, Malachi Deese, Carlos McDay, Iman Haurami, Halee Van Poppel, Jack English and Anna Wilkins all presented research on various topics and were mentored by Dr. Nikki Glenn, professor in the department of biology. 

The biology department’s faculty were recognized for various presentations at the conference, including Panvini who received the TriBeta District II Faculty Advisor of the Year Award. She was nominated by her research students for this award. 

Panvini presented “Thinking Routines, Graphic Organizers and Guided Journaling on a Short-Term Study Abroad Course.” Dr. Chris Barton and Dr. Matt Heard presented on “Challenges and Opportunities Associated with Co-Advising Research Students in a Classroom Setting.” Additionally, Heard, Barton and alumna Rachel Hongo presented “Assessing the Threat Posed by Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria in an Urban River.”

Heard, who serves on the ASB Executive Committee as a member-at-large, and Glenn also co-facilitated multiple virtual Q&A sessions during the conference. The Belmont Biology Department was well represented throughout the conference this year through insightful presentations and high-scale awards.