Alumna’s Cover of ‘Hit Me with Your Best Shot’ Featured in New Movie ‘Birds of Prey’

Trio Attends Screening in LA

Alumna Marie Hines (Commercial Music, 2009) can be heard singing “Hit me With Your Best Shot” in the “Birds of Prey” movie trailer. Released under her artist project ADONA, the song is featured in the new DC Comics film “Birds Of Prey” and on the soundtrack on Atlantic Records.

The cover of “Hit Me With Your Best Shot” was born out of a vocal recording session. The song was recorded and produced by Matt Bronleewe and Dustin Wise.

“I was in the vocal booth tracking the lead for another song,” explained ADONA. “Between takes, Dustin jokingly sang “Hit Me With Your Best Shot.” We all laughed, then paused and said ‘Oh wow, that would make a fantastic trailerized cover!’” In addition to “Birds of Pray,” the cover has also been used in an ABC promo, a UFC promo and an Apple+ Television show.

The trio attended the cast and crew screening of the movie in LA. ADONA said, “It was a really special experience. This is also my first big movie, so hearing my song in such a prominent spot in the movie was just incredible. It felt so big in the theatre and really added to the tension and intensity of the scene- it was an incredible experience.”

“It was crazy to watch the movie for the first time with the people that made it. If random stunt guys came on the screen, you’d hear people cheering for their friend. If something really cool happened in the lighting and effects in the movie, people would cheer for their friends in the lighting department.”

Listen to ADONA’s cover of the song on Youtube.