Belmont alumna Marcy Bursac, class of 2005, recently published her new book “The Forgotten Adoption Option: A Self-Reflection and How-To Guide for Pursuing Foster Care Adoption” to provide clarity into the often muddled and confusing journey of adoption and to find more forever homes for 120,000 U.S. children who are waiting to be adopted.
Bursac and her husband are the adoptive parents of a sibling pair, currently residing in St. Louis, Missouri. Her heart for adoption comes from participating in service projects with orphans and her grandfather-in-law being orphaned in St. Louis at age seven but never being adopted.
The idea to write the process down had long been on Bursac’s heart, and after taking a parenting class at her church and battling COVID earlier this year, she decided now was the time. Because this is a government program, this is a topic that lacks a marketing budget and is often overlooked.
“Countless times, friends and friends of friends have reached out asking about foster care adoption and how we adopted our children through foster care,” Bursac explained. “I once heard it said that for every ONE family that adopts through foster care, SEVEN of their friends will do the same. I have seen that to be true in my life by retelling my story. And it made me wonder how many kids will find forever families if I wrote down our story and shared it.”

To some, it may have appeared the Bursacs became a family of four overnight. But to Bursac and her husband, the process of adopting their two children hardly felt instantaneous. Around National Adoption Day, Bursac shared her story with The Family App and a local news station.
While at Belmont, Bursac participated in the Honors program, designing her own minor in education, worked as a resident assistant and a student worker for the nursing program, studied abroad and volunteered with University Ministries on a Spring Break service project.
Her book is already making a difference. President & CEO, Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption Rita Soronen said, “We are excited about this book that shines a light on the incredible opportunity to adopt children who are waiting and wishing for their forever family! Marcy helps to simplify what can be a complex process and helps readers overcome their fears and doubts on behalf of the children who need us most.”
Another prospective adoptive parent, Paula Pérez-Diaz said, “This book will help adults who are considering adoption to have one source with enough information to at least get started! It seems like a huge, impossible process when you don’t even know where to start which probably steers people away from pursuing adopting. If you have an idea of cost, who to talk to and where and things to expect, it doesn’t seem so scary! And it actually seems possible.”
To order “The Forgotten Adoption Option,” meet waiting children and learn more about the foster care adoption process, visit The book is also available on Amazon.