McEntire Publishes ‘Not Scattered or Confused: Rethinking the Urban World of the Hebrew Bible’

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Dr. Mark McEntire, professor of biblical studies at Belmont University, recently published his ninth book “Not Scattered or Confused: Rethinking the Urban World of the Hebrew Bible” with Westminster John Knox Press.

In his book, McEntire offers a comprehensive and hopeful understanding of the Bible and city life as the world’s population continues migrating toward cities and the discussion about the impact on human life and natural environment continues.

In a review of the book, Samuel L. Adams, McNair Chair of Biblical Studies at Union University said, “This is a fascinating exploration of how urban perspectives influenced the writers of the Hebrew Bible and related literature. […] As he works through the ancient texts, McEntire keeps his eye on our contemporary context and the pitfalls of urbanization and gentrification. This creative study demonstrates that the Bible has a lot more to say about cities and urban living than we might assume.”

“When I began studying the Old Testament and its language in graduate school I knew I had found the academic discipline that could energize me for the rest of my life. I have taught in many places, including Illinois, Zambia, Kentucky, Ethiopia and North Carolina. When I came to Belmont University in the year 2000, I knew I had found a place where I could settle in for a long time and enjoy a productive career of teaching and scholarship,” shared McEntire.