Smith Participates in MBAA International Programming

Amy Smith Headshot

Amy Smith, assistant professor in the Mike Curb College of Entertainment and Music Business, was involved in many aspects of the programming of the recent MBAA International annual conference. Hosted this year in Chicago, Illinois under the theme “Cultural Consciousness in Business,” the MBAA International gathering is a multidisciplinary business conference which includes 12 different organizations coming together to create synergies in business and business education.

For the Midwest Academy of Legal Studies in Business, Smith presented “Matal v. Tam: Trademark Law Meets Free Speech” where she discussed the recent U.S. Supreme Court case which found the disparagement clause of the Lanham Act (trademark statute) unconstitutional. This decision unlocks many new issues in trademark law which she expounded on in her presentation.

Smith also presented at the Interactive Teaching Poster Exhibit hosted by MBAA International where she shared “Adding Flavor with Kahoot! It’s Flexible, Free and Fun for All,” which described how to utilize Kahoot!, a game-based learning platform, to enhance student engagement.

In addition to presenting a critical incident, entitled “Contracts No. 1:  Judge for Yourself: An Exercise in Applying the Law to the Facts,” for the Society for Case Research, Smith also served as a discussant/editor for the presentation of two other critical incidents.