Belmont Pharmacy Students Receive Prestigious Air Force Scholarship

Austin and Xrystina head shot
College of Pharmacy students Austin Bailey and Xrystina Bicoy

Every year, hundreds of pharmacy students apply for the Air Force Health Profession Scholarship, but only four awards are granted nationally. Belmont junior pharmacy students Austin Bailey and Xrystina Bicoy were among two of the four nationally selected students to be awarded this competitive scholarship.

The scholarship includes two years of paid tuition and the commissioned officer rank of the second lieutenant throughout pharmacy school. Once Bailey and Bicoy graduate, the scholarship will require them to complete three years of active duty service which follows a five-week training course post-graduation. 

“For Austin and Xrystina to both be selected for the Air Force Health Professions Scholarships sends a tremendous message about their character and the type of students we are blessed to have in our program. Our College of Pharmacy has a foundational value of service and we are grateful for their commitment to their education in serving patients and how they will serve our country in the Air Force in the near future,” said Dr. David Gregory, dean of the College of Pharmacy.

After their training program, Bailey and Bicoy will be assigned to a base depending on their duty which can range from hospital pharmacy to managing an outpatient clinic. The scholarship is highly competitive and will provide the select few students with opportunities to further their experience.