Stewart Elected Vice President of International Music Business Research Association

Stewart and Schreiber
Schreiber (l) and Stewart (r)

Dr. Sarita M. Stewart, associate professor of creative & entertainment industries (CEI), was recently elected as vice president of the International Music Business Research Association (IMBRA). This organization, headquartered in Vienna, Austria, serves the global community of scholars who are actively researching key music industry issues.  

Stewart, along with CEI Department Chair Dr. David Schreiber were in attendance at the 10th Vienna Music Business Research Days Conference from September 11-13. The conference, held at mdw – University of Music and Performing Arts in Vienna, focused on the “Future of the Music Business.”  Stewart served as a mentor as part of the Young Scholar Workshop where she reviewed research studies from students from across the globe. Stewart and Schreiber also attended two full days of presentations, the first focusing on academic research, and the second, industry presentations. Former Sony/BMG executive Michael Smellie presented the keynote speech entitled “Music Industry –  the Seven Deadly Sins.”