Overall, Lovvorn Participate in Peck Research on Writing Symposium

Peck Research Writing Symposium

Drs. Joel Overall and Jason Lovvorn, faculty members in Belmont’s English Department, participated in the Peck Research on Writing Symposium at Middle Tennessee State University on February 28.

The symposium featured Dr. Tarez Samra Graban, associate professor of English at Florida State University, who spoke about two current projects that engage feminist and archival scholarship. Her lecture, “Rhetoric, Feminism, and the Transnational Archive,” considered how feminist research agendas do or do not align in transnational archives. Drs. Overall and Lovvorn took part in a subsequent workshop, “New Pedagogues for the Institutional Archives,” that considered the value of conceptualizing data discovery tools for archival, rhetorical and historiographic work.